Thanksgiving a wee bit early

This year, we celebrated Thanksgiving just a wee bit early. We will be out of town for Thanksgiving this year so we can be with family. While it will be great to be out of town, and enjoy some warmer weather, it will also be hard for food allergy reasons. My oldest daughter a few weeks ago realized that being out of town meant missing out on this mama’s cooking too. She was more than bothered by this fact. Our family that we are visiting will be kindly feeding us food that we can eat. It won’t be anything like being at home and spending days in the kitchen to prepare a huge allergy friendly meal and dessert though.

Since we are this next week, I got a wild hair last Monday. Mondays are typically spent cleaning my house and prepping meals for the week. This Monday was a whole different Monday. I needed to make breakfast muffins which would make my kitchen a slightly bigger mess than it already was. That got me thinking that I might as well just make a huge mess by making a Thanksgiving meal. 🙂 It was rather nice to make a huge Thanksgiving meal with no one in the house. 😉 I really love my family, I promise, but having a quiet house to bake in without anyone wanting to know when the meal would be done was great.

So, I baked and baked until my little heart was content and until I had to go pick up my girls from school. We eat roasted chicken instead of turkey because honestly, my family greatly dislikes turkey. I made a roast chicken, green bean casserole, candied yams with corn free marshmallows (recipe for the marshmallows is a must at ), pumpkin pie, and homemade sparkling apple cider. While this wasn’t a completely full Thanksgiving meal, it was far better than not having any of it at all. If we were at home for Thanksgiving I would have also made mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, and mini apple pies that also make cinnamon roll cookies from the left over dough.

Surprising my family with this Thanksgiving meal was such a treat for me. They were all so happy to have the foods they thought they were going to miss out on. I would love to help you plan your holiday meals to fit your food allergies. Contact me so we can get you eating amazing food this holiday season as well. Cheers from my family to your this Thanksgiving!
